
Arrival Time/Location

Grades K-5: At 8:00am all students will enter through the front entrance, get a breakfast, and head straight to classrooms where their teachers will meet them. Staff members will help all students get to their classrooms safely.

Regular Dismissal Time/Location

Grades K-2: 2:20pm pick up in South yard

Grades 3-5: 2:20pm pick up in North yard

On these stormy weather days, we will place signs on the front door and send out a phone call to let you know we will be following this plan. Please additionally send your child in proper attire, including jackets/ boots/ umbrellas on rainy and snowy days. Our main priority is student safety. Thank you in advance for your patience and cooperation!


  • The Community Education Council for District 10 presents: A Town Hall Event with Chancellor Melissa Aviles-Ramos

    Monday, February 10, 2025

    6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.

    Location: I.S. 254.

    2452 Washington Avenue

    Bronx, NY 10458

    Town Hall will also be live streamed. Please register for this event at the following link:

    Don't miss this excellent opportunity. Issues and concerns will be addressed.

    PS 59X
  • Pre-K Registration for the 2025-2026 school year is Open! Please register by 2/28/25.

    All NYC children born in 2021 can apply for Pre-K for the 2025-2026 school year, including children currently attending 3-K or other preschool programs, children with disabilities, children with accessibility needs, children learning English, and students in temporary housing. Children do not need to be toilet trained to attend pre-K.


    During the application period, families can apply one of three ways:

    1. Online with MySchools(Open external link). Apply online in English, Arabic, Bengali/Bangla, Chinese, Haitian Creole, French, Korean, Russian, Spanish, or Urdu.
    2. By phone at 718-935-2009. Interpretation services are available in more than 200 languages for over-the-phone applications. You can ask questions and request information about admissions in any language when you call.
    3. In person at a Family Welcome Center. An Enrollment Counselor can assist you in submitting an application.

    If any assistance is need please feel free to speak to Mr. Robert or schedule a virtual meeting at


    PS 59X
  • Parent Workshop: How to support our families with conflict resoultions.

    PS. 59 will having a parent workshop on January 16,2025 from 8:30am-10:00am  in room 207. We will be discussing "How to support our families with conflict resolutions " presented by Ms. Menedez and Ms.Schwartz. For more information please contact Mr.Robert at .


    Children Conflict Stock Illustrations – 3,899 Children Conflict Stock  Illustrations, Vectors & Clipart - Dreamstime            Conflict Resolution - Elementary Counselor's Corner

    PS 59X
  • Cornell University Cooperative Extension Offers FREE Nutrition Workshops Starting February 6, 2025 from 9:00am-11:00am

    View Event :: Nutrition Class :: Ft. Eisenhower :: US Army MWR

    You will learn:

    .Learn the benefits of physical activity

    · Read labels and choose healthy foods

    · Plan meals and save money

    · Learn about food safety

    · The importance of eating fruits and vegetables

    · Feeding young children and much more

    · Prepare meals with your children

     WHERE: P.S.59 2185 Bathgate Ave, Bronx, NY, 10457

    If you have any questions please contact Parent Coordinators: (P.S.59) Robert Ramirez or (P.S.23)  Amaryllis Feliz.

    * We will be having  these workshops with families from P.S. 59 and P.S. 23* 

    PS 59X
  • PS. 59 Winter Wonderland on December 20,2024.

    P.S. 59 Families,

           Come join us for the fun!!!   P.S. 59  Annual Winter Wonderland Show.  Please come on time for the grades below:

    Grades K-2 : 8:45 sharp - 9:30 am

    Grades 3-5 9:45 sharp- 10:30 am


    Thank You, 

    PS 59X
  • Chancellor's Five-Borough Listening Tour - in The Bronx on 12/10/24 at PS 306/MS331

    Parents please register and attend the Chancellor's Listening Tour in the Bronx. 
    Chancellor's Listening Tour - Happening in THE BRONX on 12/10/24 at PS 306/MS331 40 West Tremont Avenue, Bronx, NY 10453 from 6:00pm-8:00pm
    PS 59X
  • Attention 5th grade Parents!!! Apply to NYC Middle Schools for Fall 2025 by December 20

    From October 15 until December 20, 2024, NYC families can apply to middle school for the 2024–25 school year. Learn more about this year's admissions processes, including suggested tips and tools that you can use to discover and select programs, and submit your application!


    Start your search now for Middle Schools.

    Please apply by using your myschools account.

    PS 59X
  • Superintendent Hernandez' Listening Tour Begins this week!

    CSD 10 has a new Superintendent… Superintendent Roberto Hernandez is coming to a school near you! Join us to meet him! Each session is open to all parents.

    PS 59X
  • Literacy Resources for Families.



    NYC Public Schools launched NYC Reads to ensure that every student in our pre-kindergarten and elementary school classrooms is receiving effective, research-backed reading instruction using proven materials and methods. The resources and activities below are available for all families to use to continue that learning at home, and will help your child build important literacy skills necessary for educational, career, and lifetime success. Together, we can support students on their journey to becoming strong and confident readers! 

    Please visit this page to learn more ways on how to support your child's reading at home. For more information please use this link At home activities.

    If you would like to learn more about NYC Reads please visit NYC Reads.



    PS 59X
  • Back to School Checklist.

    Get ready for the first day of school, Thursday, September 5, 2024! Here’s what to do for a great start to the school year: 

    Update your contact information.

    Don’t miss important updates from NYC Public Schools and your child’s school! You can update your information online in your NYC Schools Account (NYCSA), or complete the emergency contact form provided by your school. If you do not yet have an NYC Schools Account, visit the NYC Schools Account page.

    Visit a physician for a physical exam.

    Is your child starting school or childcare for the first time? Make sure your child receives a complete physical exam from a health care provider, documented by the Child and Adolescent Health Examination Form (CH205). Learn more and download this form at Health Requirements to Attend School.

    Review the 2024–25 NYC school calendar.

    View important dates and find printable files in multiple languages for the 2024–25 school year on the Calendar page on our website, and bookmark to keep up with upcoming dates and events throughout the school year.

    Set a standard bedtime and morning routine before the first day of school.

    Ensure a smooth transition to the new school year by getting your children adjusted to a regular and healthy sleep schedule before September. Then, a few days before school starts, practice your family’s expected morning routine, including getting ready, eating breakfast, and traveling to your child’s school.

    We can’t wait to see you on the first day of school, Thursday, September 5 at 8:00 am.

    Back to School Checklist- English

    Back to School Checklist-Spanish

    PS 59X
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